Monday, July 5, 2010

The Situation.

Hi, I'm nerdy_loser from xanga or my brief stint with a blogger. You see, I was on my sister's computer today and I found that she had found my blogger and it was one of the top sites that she had been visiting. I just didn't feel comfortable with it, so I had to start a new one with a different e-mail address.

Here's the lowdown on my current situation:
I am starting P90x tomorrow. Yes, as in July 6th. That means I will be ending it on October 4th. In that time I hope to lose at least 15 pounds and go down by 3 dress sizes.

I am also beginning my training for a half-marathon that I am going to do with my best friend on October 24th. I have to train on my own for the summer, but once school starts up we'll be training together. That means I have to be training hardcore right now so I guarantee that I am at least on the same level as her when we start our training. (She's my roomie, just for the record.)

Whenever possible I will be posting not only my intake, but also pictures of it. I feel like I will do better if I am giving you guys a visual of everything that is going into my body.

Also, tomorrow I will be posting the beginning photos of me for the P90x system. They have six photos that they suggest you take, plus a ton of measurements. I shall be doing both. I am also going to get my body fat percentage taken by the people at my college gym.

You should also expect detailed accounts of my workouts and how I am feeling about them. I expect that they will be rather difficult.

Well, I'm off to prepare more stuff for my first day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah I totally would of gotten a new account as well. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with people reading my personal blog that I actually know.

    Good luck with P90X. I hear it's super intense, but an amazing workout. And, a half-marathon? You'll lose 15 pounds in no time. :)
