Friday, July 9, 2010

Alright, it was raining this morning which killed my whole workout idea this morning.
Thats alright though, I made pancakes for my family instead and now I'm about to get ready and head back to Purdue for the next three weeks.

breakfast: pancake w/butter&syrup. glass of 2% milk.


  1. haha, yes my oatmeal does look a little non-appealing ha. Lighting on a camera totally kills the affect of the delicious-looking food sometimes lol :)

    Raining here too. When you have this great idea of working out outside, and then it rains.. definitely kills the mood. Pancakes sounds lovely, i want some. enjoy your time at Purdue.. making some more money :D

  2. Mmm, I had waffles for breakfast. Yum! (:
    Hope you had a great day, girl. ♥
